for English language learners

Elvis Lives: Activities

Here are some fun activities to help you learn new words. They are not tests!

How much do you remember? Try this quiz without looking back at the text.

1. You are Elvis. Write the real story of what happened to you. Choose from the following:

  1. You were working for the FBI against the Mafia. Describe how you went into hiding and the details of your new life.
  2. You were kidnapped by aliens. Describe what happened and how you returned to Earth to work in a gas station.
2. You are Colonel Parker. Write the real story of your life


Elvis & the FBI

Classroom activities

1. A family visiting a restaurant. One family member believes he waiter is Elvis - the others do not . Order three courses and (politely) ask the waiter questions. You must not directly ask 'Are you Elvis Presley?'

The waiter is Elvis but does not want to either a) lie b) reveal his identity

Sample dialogue:
Family member: I remember your face from somewhere. Were you in the army?

A very long time ago. What would you like to drink?

Possible roles: Elvis/waiter, and various family members (parents, grand-parents, children etc)

Five things I didn't know about: Elvis

Work in groups to find five new facts about Elvis Presley. At least one must not be from the Internet - try books, encyclopedias, dictionaries etc.

Think about:
  1. What was Elvis's biggest hit record?
  2. Did he have any brothers or sisters?
  3. Did he ever visit your country?
  4. Are there any funny stories about him?
  5. Do you the names of any of his films?
A useful website is here

An article from the Encyclopedia Britanica premium service is free to ESL Reading visitors is here:

Elvis Presley