April Fool: Activities

Here are some fun activities to help you learn new words. They are not tests!

How much did you understand?

1. When is April Fool's Day?

2. What happens on April Fool's Day?

3. What did Burger King do on April Fool's Day?

4. What was the BBC documentary about?

5. Until what time can you make April Fool's jokes in most

1. You are planning an April Fool's Joke. Make notes about

a) what your joke will be

b) what you will need to carry it out

Classroom activities 

1. Role play the following scenes:

a) The spaghetti tree documentary. A BBC film team interview Swiss 'spaghetti farmers'.

Possible roles: Interviewer, camera person, sound recordist, spaghetti farmers.

b) The press conference for Burger King to announce its new left-handed burger.

Possible roles: Company president, chef who has 'invented' left hand burger, journalists.

C) Thes press conference for special government announcement of coming 'gravity change'.

Possible roles: Government spokesperson, scientists explaining what will happen, journalists 

A useful article from the Encyclopedia Britanica premium service is free to ESL Reading visitors here: April Fool