Readers for English language learners

Below is a short guide to some of the most popular series of graded readers.

Macmillan Heinemann ELT

A wide range of titles - some original and some simplified - from modern and classic novels, and designed to appeal to all age-groups, tastes and cultures.

The books are divided into five levels: Starter Level, with about 300 basic words; Beginner Level (600 basic words); Elementary Level (1100); Intermediate Level (1600); and Upper Level (2200). Some of the titles are also available on cassette.

Oxford Bookworms

This series of readers is aimed at students at six levels from elementary to advanced. Most are retellings of classic stories using a vocabulary appropriate for English language learners. All stages have exercises for classroom or private use, plus a glossary to help with vocabulary.

ESL recommends:

Washington Square, STAGE 4- 1200 headwords

When a handsome young man begins to court Catherine Sloper, she feels she is very lucky. She is a quiet, gentle girl, but neither beautiful nor clever; no one had ever admired her before, or come to the front parlour of her home in Washington Square to whisper soft words of love to her.

But in New York in the 1840s young ladies are not free to marry where they please. Catherine must have her father's permission, and Dr Sloper is a rich man. One day Catherine will have a fortune of 30,000 dollars a year . . .

Cambridge English Readers

Cambridge English Readers is series of original fiction, specially written for learners of English. Graded into six levels - from elementary to advanced - the stories in this series provide easy and enjoyable reading on a wide range of contemporary topics and themes

Oxford Progressive English Readers

This popular series of readers has now been completely revised and updated, using a new syllabus and new word structure lists.

Readability has been ensured by means of specially designed computer software. Words that are above level but essential to the story are explained within the text, illustrated, and then reused for maximum reinforcement.

Oxford Storyland Readers

A primary reading series for young learners. Carefully graded according to twelve levels of reading ability and controlled using especially designed computer software. These original stories promote language development and a sense of achievement in young learners. -

Each reader in the series includes puzzles every four pages which provide reinforcement of the content. Comprehension-type questions are provided at the end of the book and these are designed to check the learners' global and specific understanding of the story.

The books at levels 7-12 are more factual pieces. The aim of this is to relate to the learners' own experience and encourage a genuine interest in reading.